Copied this table (below) from My Voicesnet Writer’s Page on 28\11\2012. It is preceded by my "Member Profile". Voicesnet is a quality site which accepts poems, stories and blogs. It does Not pay per view or anything. We post purely for the love of writing and conversing with others about our work (the links below worked last time I tried them!):
"Member Profile -
I am a writer who seems to be blessed with a gift
for creative writing. A closet poet who just loves to write, or type! Must keep
learning however.
Like to see myself as a man of vision: looking up
into outer space and beyond. Into the spiritual. Will explore inner space more,
from now on, too.
Am not a regular churchgoer yet somehow my poems
often come out with strong religious undertones, or are they overtones?
Whatever. I just love writing and a bit of reading. Sports such as Table Tennis
and Association Football interest me too."
Profile Views: 6772
70 poems online - viewed: 30078 times.
47 other documents online - viewed: 24341 times.
Paul Butters
PS for the record there are two full pages of posts, ending with my poem "Now" which has attracted 27 Views. My blog "Single" was unfortunately removed from the list for a "violation" of "TOS" and I have so far received no reply from my "Appeal". I have no idea what was wrong with "Single". Yes, it has been my Top Viewed article on Triond to date.
PPS Have no idea why, when I view this here post, parts of the text, including the table, are "Centred". It looks fine in "Editing".
More general postings:
PPS Have no idea why, when I view this here post, parts of the text, including the table, are "Centred". It looks fine in "Editing".
More general postings:
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