Tuesday, 24 July 2012

What do You want me to write about?

(24\7\2012 - As posted on Triond recently) What do you want me to write about? What do you need help with? What are you struggling with? What do you want to know? Any particular snippet of information or factual knowledge? Or do you just wish to be entertained by my stories and poems?

Earlier today I did a bit of research. I enjoy writing my stories and poems, but they still attract few Views. So what should I write? The thought occurred to me that I should write about things that people were seeking to buy. I googled something like, “What people buy online”. Sure enough I found some interesting, if conflicting surveys.

What people want to buy

Basically people want to buy:
1)     Computer stuff,
2)     Electronics,
3)     Fashion\clothes related,
4)     Porn,
5)     Health products,
6)     Travel Packages,
7)     Video games,
8)     Cars,
9)     Phones etc.

What facts do they want?

Okay, so then I tried to find out what information or knowledge people asked for. Everyone seemed obsessed about personal information and security. Again health information, how to be a success, dating tips, internet marketing, and so forth, all featured.

Then I noticed a site called Social Triggers. What it basically said was, don’t rely on surveys (or even trending topic lists) but simply ask the people.

So what do you want from me?

That could be a very important question. But I mainly want to know what you want me to write for you. No excuses: you can Comment here as a Guest if you are not a member of Triond. And with Triond commenting back in action (after a recent lapse) I can see your requests and act on them. Can even reply by adding to this very article with the “Fix” facility that I so love on Triond. Or write you another article\blog. Over to You.

Paul Butters

Tags:     what do you want, social triggers, PaulB, what people buy, what people want to know

Do see:      http://paulbutterspoems.blogspot.co.uk/


11\8\12: Gladly my Lady Blantyre ban was reversed once I removed the LINK to the Friends of St. Ives Estate website. Links aren't allowed in case they are unsuitable. Thanks everyone for Viewing my new poetry blog (link above). 91 Views in 5 days - USA 43, UK 27, Russia (!) 18, UAE 1, Germany 1, Romania 1. Many thanks for the 1294 Views of THIS blog since 5\12\2010.

13\8\12: 103 Views on my Poetry blog now. Thanks. More:


14\8\12 - My "Banned - Lady Blantyre..." piece on Triond just got 25 more Views! Something seems to have clicked there. 15.10 Update: 47 Views today - 94 in total. A sudden pique - and peak (!) in interest.

See also:



15\8\12: The last link above is my Voicesnet piece on being censored there.

Yesterday I had more than 100 Views on Triond, and went onto a new "chart". I think it was a PB for one day! Oddly 30% of my Views were from China! Plus 6% from Taiwan. UK was 28% and USA 27%. Usually UK and USA dominate my "pie chart" with China completely absent. Seems most views were for my "Banned..." blog for some unknown reason.

17\8: A Triond writer called Jharmon has reported that he too has suddenly received a surge of Chinese Views. Other commenters have said much the same. Seems these Chinese are Trionders rather than Googlers. Nobody seems to know what is attracting the Chinese!

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