Monday, 10 May 2021

HAPPY DAY - 10\5\2015


 From "Facebook Memories"....

On Triond Writing Site - 200,994 Views now for my "Crake Cake" piece (piece of cake indeed), 80,190 for "Beat the Bullies". 🙂

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Wot I Do


For many years I have posted much of my work online: on “Hello Poetry” dot com, “VoicesNet” dot com, Blogspot Blogger by Google and “Poemhunter” dot com, in that order. Also some work of others etc. Right now I have posted the following number of pieces on these sites:

HP – 390 (488 Followers), VN – 598 (330563 Views), My Poetry Blog 371 Poems (23558 Views), Poemhunter – 535 (Views Unknown) – some have been deactivated but otherwise represent a complete catalogue of my posted poems (every poem is on Poemhunter that is).

(C) PB 17\1\2021.