Sunday, 12 October 2014

This Triond Message - Anyone Know What It Means?

(Picture Credit - Billboard Advertisement by Forbes Dot Com)
I got this weird message at the top of my Triond Dashboard. Anyone know how to act on it?

The top of my Triond Dashboard Page now features a message from Triond. Here it is:

“Increase Your Revenues: Your articles are currently getting traffic with low ad clickthrough characteristics. While your Triond revenues are calculated per views, this kind of traffic generates lower revenues with our advertisers, and therefore impacts your payments directly. Once your traffic returns to having normal ad clickthrough rates characteristics, you can expect payments to be higher.”

Well, can anyone tell me what action I should take? Currently my “Beat the Bullies”, “Crake Cake” and “Paedo Business” blogs are the ones getting regular views, so I guess it’s about these mainly.

So why are they “getting traffic with low ad clickthrough characteristics”? And what is a “clickthrough characteristic”?

How does one make one’s “traffic” return to “normal ad clickthrough rates characteristics”?

Let me guess. It must be something about how long viewers stay on the page. Not long enough I presume. Or am I attracting viewers who don’t want to buy things or read ads? Am I attracting viewers who are too old or too young (or too poor) to be interested in the ads? Am I getting “block views” without knowing it (hence few ad clicks)?

Not that I’ve been complaining about my payments anyway. That’s for others who are more commercially minded. For me, more views recently have led to more pay. Adsense ignores me, but what’s new there?

I’m more bothered about the fact that my latest blog (“Old, Talentless and White”) has not been published 3 days after posting. And the fact I’ve reported a “Hot Content” plagiarist to “GetSat” and nothing has happened.

So, can someone please tell me, what do I do about this message?

PS – As I said on Facebook: “They want me to write for people who want to buy lipstick, use financial services, holiday abroad and have a fetish for having new showers installed! 3:) Oh, and want to lose weight!” (Judging by their ads).

Paul Butters

PS 12\10 - My latest blog on Triond, "Do You Need A Therapist?" (Elsewhere "...Therapy") is currently "trending" and has had 576 Views in 6 days. Meanwhile my latest poem on "Hello Poetry", "Get Your Finger Out" trended immediately and has had 290 Views in 7 hours. Actually that poem is something of a laugh so even my "rubbish" is trending on HP now. Most of my recent poems have trended I'm glad to say. "Therapy" has had 15 Views here today thanks. "Bullies" on Triond has had 42,595 Views now.

15\10 - On Triond, looks like "Therapist" got about 5000 Views yesterday!!! Nothing like as many today but hey...!!!

27\10 - My poem "Me" on Hello Poetry sadly bombed - first one to do so for ages. But I've joined "BabbleLife" and have had lots of good responses (you are PAID to respond!).

11\11 - "Bullies" on Triond has had 46,708 Views now and is still viewing well. It was posted in November 2012.

28\11 - "Bullies" has had 50,751 Views now! Whoopee. :)

15\12\14 - Oddly my "Crake Cake" blog has had a big surge in Views on Triond recently. 18,640 Views this month, 29,698 in total.


Sunday, 14 September 2014

My Voicesnet Top Ten (as of 14\9\2014)

(Picture Credit - Pattra Shuwaswat)

Poem Title
Last View
Free Verse - Sports
Dogs - Free Verse
Holidays - Summer
Free Verse - Religious, Christian, Jewish, Islam, Baptist, etc.
Free Verse - Religious, Christian, Jewish, Islam, Baptist, etc.
Birds - Nature
Free Verse - Religious, Christian, Jewish, Islam, Baptist, etc.
Animals - Free Verse
Free Verse - Religious, Christian, Jewish, Islam, Baptist, etc.
Comment -  I've no idea why a specialised poem like "Champion" did so well. "Dog's Life" is a big surprise. I do notice an animal theme here. Plus some general Nature and Philosophy with Religion. Table and maybe picture credit to VoicesNet.

15\9 - That's Weird. For many days now on Triond my "Paedo Piece" has been Viewing really well. But today it all stopped! Just one View. "Bullies" got 45 after being eclipsed there for quite a while. "Crake Cake" has 9 Views today - still going. "Triond Views" stopped Viewing a few days back too. Have a blog "Old Untalented and White" in pending now.

18\9 - 27,921 Views for "Paedo" to press, but as I say, Views suddenly dried up. 41,723 Views for "Bullies" now.

Got weird message from Triond today at top of dashboard:

"Increase Your Revenues: Your articles are currently getting traffic with low ad clickthrough characteristics. While your Triond revenues are calculated per views, this kind of traffic generates lower revenues with our advertisers, and therefore impacts your payments directly. Once your traffic returns to having normal ad clickthrough rates characteristics, you can expect payments to be higher."
No idea how to make my traffic return to "normal click through rates".

Saturday, 23 August 2014

My Triond Viewing Records

(Photo Credit - Rohan 810)

(As posted on Triond)
On the 25th August 2008 I posted my first piece on Triond, a poem called “Hello Reader”. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. Here are some highlights.

I have posted poems, stories and “blogs” on Triond since 25th August, 2008. As the description says, my first posting was “Hello Reader” (poem) which attracted 18 Views and Earned $0.02 from Triond. Then I posted some more poems and a few stories from my computer “stock”. My 2nd posting was a short story entitled “Beyond the Beyond” which received 39 Views for $0.05. Views remained modest for a while. I received some great comments but soon became aware that VIEWS were what Trionders sought.

So on 1st March 2009 I posted a blog Love, Sex and…Taglines” in which I tried to attract more views using lots of SEO keywords and tags. Result: 17 Views! On the 3rd of March I wrote a blog about this and got 23 Views. So much for THAT. Later I tried more keyword packed blogs with similar results.

Maybe I should have written some imaginary but believable stories about hated public figures. Wink, wink.

On 26th September 2010 I wrote a blog “My Career in the Grimsby Table Tennis League”. Surprisingly that attracted 108 Views (my best then). A minority sport played in a little known town. Strange. And my table tennis blogs have consistently Viewed well ever since.

My Personal Best was again broken on 14th November 2010 with “Sexy Writing” – 179 Views, which had NOTHING sexy in it. Ha ha. It was just about my writing etc.

Then on 28th December 2010 came blog “Agnosticism” – 246 Views. Ha yes, religion and philosophy attract good Views. And on 1st April a blog about Freud and psycho-analysis polled 539 Views. Around this time my poem “Summer” got 180 Views – unusual for a poem – on 31st May 2010.

My Blog “Single” was my next Personal Record Breaker: posted 3rd October 2010 on the “Beyond Jane” Triond site it received 827 Views after spending a week on that so important “Most Popular Article” or “Trending” List.

My next “biggy” was my blog “Listen” with 693 Views, posted again on “Beyond Jane” (7th October, 2012).

Then came my Personal Best: blog “Beat the Bullies…” (19th November 2012) on “Beyond Jane” with 38,679 Views as I type, for earnings of $7.90. This is still Viewing well every day. 48 today when I last looked. No, 59 now. (2,212 this month).

When I first joined Triond my “Geo Distribution” was about 45% USA, 45% UK, 10% The Rest. Since “Bullies” that has all changed. Today my Distribution is 91% USA, then Turkey, UK, France and Brazil each 2%, followed by 1% Germany and 0.96% Romania. Needless to say, most of my Views came for “Beyond Jane” – until recently.

“Bullies” now has a Challenger: I call it my “Paedo Piece” – a blog on paedophilia, posted on “Healthmad” on 25th July. It has received 139 Views today and rising. 5,667 or more this month. 14,135 overall.

“Paedo” got 300 Views per day at first (370 on the 29th). Then on the 30th it hit the MPA List and scored 3116. The next day it got 4,870. Then 2426 on the 1st August. At this point it dropped off The List and got 374 on the 2nd. From then it averaged about 320 for a good while. Recently, however, it has gone tandem with Bullies for a while before surging up again.

It will be interesting to see if “Paedo” catches up with “Bullies”. In the meantime other blogs have scored okay too: “Triond Tragedy” 868, “Freedom in Poetry” 526, “Grimsby TT League season 2013-14” 812…

Frankly I have no idea why “Bullies” and “Paedo” went viral (by my standards) in America. A similar thing happened on my own poetry blog where my poem “Mirror, Mirror” got 7161 Views. Seems with bullying etc. America takes a morbid interest. When I posted a blog about the USA being World Cup heroes I received the grand total of FOUR Views lol. Nuff Said.

PS I just Googled “Why is Bullying such a big issue in the USA?”: there were over a million results. School bullying featured most. But it’s a World problem too. Did the same for “Paedophilia”: 360,000 results with mention of Hollywood… Doesn’t seem to explain my Viewing figures, or does it?

Paul Butters

(Written 15\8\2014)

PPS for My Blog (23\8\14) – Ironically this very piece went viral on Triond. Right now it has had 9,872 Views having just left the “Trifter” Most Popular List. It is catching up with the Paedo Piece (18,974), and Bullies (39,592). It has even had a comment too.

26\8 Update: Suddenly yesterday things changed: Paedo got 264 Views, Bullies 71 and Triond VR 62. Watch this space.

10PM Update: Triond VR 10,384 Total Views, Paedo 20,367, Bullies 40,001.

29\8 - 81 Views today for my brand new Triond post "Crake Cake" - trending on "Notecook" already, as is a post by Rosalie Avin on 9\11 and terrorism! I was expecting mine to be put in Healthmad but 9\11 on a cookery site, oh my.

Paedo has had 364 Views today, Bullies 63 and Triond VR 27 (with "Assertiveness Blog" 1 View - which happens often!). Business goes well. My own Cake Crake blogger blog has drawn 7 Views too.

10\9 - Paedo Piece is forging on at a high rate now. Bullies is still moving too. "Crake Cake" is still going well but Triond VR ground to a halt a few days ago. My poems and stories still do not View however. Withernsea Wanderers AFC story got 6 Views and poem "Quiet" got 4 (but received 229 on "Hello Poetry" website to press after trending there).

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Views and Comments for my poem "Communication"

Picture Credit - Writingismyhobby by Publishing Guru)

Yesterday I posted my new poem “Communication” on four websites at once and monitored their progress re Views etc. The four sites were “Hello Poetry”, “VoicesNet”, My Own Poetry Blog and “Poemhunter”. Here are the results:

12\7 at 3.06 PM
11+2 Likes+1Repost
3.45 PM
5.30 PM
8.25 PM
11.10 PM
13\7 at 10.30 PM
24+3 Comments
1.30 PM

Any surprises to me? Well no. My own blog is not a community as such so I have to work harder for my Views etc. All these views are from Google and the like.

It is (still) disappointing that Views are so low on Poemhunter these days. However, their “league tables” show that generally viewing figures are at a low, especially compared with a few years ago. The site was badly hacked two or three years ago and I suspect that scared people away. It is a desert now.

Hello Poetry has been a big source of joy for me recently. However, the comments have dwindled: something to ponder on.

VoicesNet continues to View and Comment well and I expect Views on this poem to carry on ticking over there for a fair while.

I no longer put poems on Triond as the Views there for poetry and fiction are paltry.

My highest Viewed poem remains “Mirror, Mirror” on my poetry Blog at 7158 Views.

Paul Butters

Update 14\7\14 AM - My latest poems on "Hello Poetry" - "Ancestry" 171 Views, "Space" 214, "Communication" 219, "Force" 48 in 18 hours and should have trended by now really.

11.15 PM (14\7) - Ancestry 173, Space 216, Communication 227, Force 230. My poet friend Liz Squires (Australia) tells me "Force" started trending about this afternoon. Clearly trending counts.

Slight correction - Force started trending around 11.30 AM according to HP Notifications.

15\7 Latest for "Communication": HP 228, V 29, P 13, Blog 9.

16\7 Latest on "Hello Poetry": Anc 175, Space 221, Comms 247, Force 258, "Love Poem" (new) 224. This is pleasing because Love Poem was experimental. Nice to see the Views are rising each time I post.

23.45 - Just to say that Liz reposted my poem "Just Me" (formerly "Internet Prose Poem") recently and it shot up to my "mid-table" from 49 Views to 74. The Power of the Repost. It did not "Trend" however.

23\7 - Latest Views on ScribeSlice: "Marinia 7 Pt2" 253, "Marinia 7" 73, "Afterlife" 198, "Wormhole" 72, "Paradise Found" 59. Worth continuing.

29\7 - Liz Squires recently got me to join ScribeSlice, Wattpad and StoryStar in order to post my stories. Been interesting. Oh, and 529 Views for my "Paedophile" piece on Triond. Not even trending yet great Views. Almost NO Views on PoetFreak I see.

31\7 - Paedo Piece - 1850 Views yesterday and now on Most Popular List!

31\7 - 16.00 BST - Paedo Piece: 2,359 V today, 6,098 V Total!

Bullies now 36,393 Views (48 today). 91% American readership now. 2% UK.

1\8 - Paedo 10,168 V, 1,700 today.

8\8 - Paedo 12,269, Bullies 38,042. Total Triond Views 29\7 - 370 (typical then), 30\7 - 3116, 31\7 - 4870, 1\8 - 2426, 2\8 - 374. Average about 320 per day since then. That surge was when Paedo trended on "Healthmad".

This month - 5382 V for 23 cents on Triond. AdSense counted those as 7V, 0 Clicks, 0 Earnings.

18\8 - Let's try this -
- link works if you persist and refresh.