Sunday, 23 December 2012

Triond Triumph

(Picture shows a "Bee" as used on my Triond Profile - taken from Google Images)

Am typing this "live" so I hope the internet link holds firm. Today I found that my blog on "cheating" at Table Tennis has had 92 Views in about a day. The main reason for this is that it is top of the "Most Popular Article List" on "Sportales" (Triond).

I had similar success on Triond's "Beyond Jane" with an article about bullying. Again that made "The List" and received 475 Views (to press). The power of a "List"!!!

However, my article on me being a "Hobby Writer" did not make the list on "Writinghood" so only polled 17 Views. Trouble was, a writer who shall remain nameless had about four articles on that list so I couldn't get a look in! Maybe the "hobby" theme is rather lame too. Nuff Said. 

24\12\12: 10.30 AM GMT: 216 Views now for "How to Cheat...". Ironic that my best Views have been on blogs about being single, bullying, and cheating at sport! By the way, my poem on here, "Mirror, Mirror" has had 6775 Views to press.

30\12: 00.30: 321 Views to press for "How to Cheat..." No longer on MPA List and obviously unfortunate to be on there over Christmas. Made 7 cents which seems par for this course. Was nice while it lasted.

More posts:

(Don't try the next link until I say you may please: unless you wish to see what can go wrong!)

The 2nd URL for Ping Pong, which again does not work:

Hope they fix it soon so that I and others can access it! Am "top of the pops" on Sportales but the link there doesn't work so only 6 Views to press instead of 56+ !!! Update - it DID work on the top of the pops but nobody noticed by then.


^^^^^ This has had 66 Views to press and is on the "Computer View" top ten list. Nice. Will "blog it" when it leaves said list.


(This one has gone straight in at number ten and has received a favourable comment! No doubt I will receive some very UNfavourable comments in due course however. Again will blog it later)

That favourable comment, from "Observer 1":

"Great article, agree with every word. Fergie is everything that’s wrong about the Premier League. Unfortunately Bobby Charlton does not squirm at Ferguson’s tactics. When challenged he makes an excuse and backs him up. Disgrace"

("Fergie..." article is Number ONE now!)

Snippet - on my poetry blog my poem "Cyberspace" has recently become top of my pops with over 70 Views. Previous "topper", "Mirror, Mirror" has dropped down to 2nd place with 40 odd Views.

23\1\13 - "Fergie..." has had 136 Views but 0 earnings! "...Tragedy" has had 197 V for one cent! See why writers complain...