Friday, 12 October 2012

My Top Twenty Triond Posts

(Picture from rohan810in on dietheight blog)

Here is a list of my most popular Triond posts as at 12\10\2012:

1) "Single" - 822
2) "Freud..." - 468
3) "Listen" - 246
4) "Agnosticism..." - 235
5) "Summer" (poem) - 180
6) "Sexy Writing" - 166
7) "Barca..." - 157
8) "Banned Lady Blantyre..." - 147
9) "Inspiration" (poem) - 112
10) "London Olympic Dream" - 106
11) "Space Facts" - 105
12) "Move On" (poem) - 99
13) "Leeds United" - 98
14) "Oldies" - 92
15=) "Poetry Easy Peasy" - 89
15=) "TT Countering" - 89
17) "Careers Work" - 85
18) "Tamara Ecclestone" - 84
19) "My TT Career" - 83
20) "Discovery New Earth" - 79

Other notables (no particular order) - "Stream" - 77, "Anger Addiction" - 76, "Banksy..." - 72, "Future of TT" - 71, "Mentally Ill" - 70, "Yorkshire" - 69, "It's Football" - 67, "Lennox" - 46, "More Views" - 32, "John Terry" - 32, "Exercise Revolution" - 32, "Gary Speed" - 56, "No Poppies England" - 44, "Forum Closed" - 42, "Wayne Rooney" - 59, "Champ" - 50, "Racism" - 30, "Internet Spammers..." - 46, "Do Not Ask" - 32, "Elvis" - 56, "Universe Ends" (story) - 42, "Long Sleep" (story) - 52, "Grimsby TT Great Players Part 2" - 69, Part 1 - 51, "Speaking Therapies" - 57, "Reflections" (story) - 42, "Deceived Pt 1" (story) - 38, "Forum Play" - 49, "Victors" (story) - 35, "Alien Abduction" (story) - 47, "How England may Win World Cup" - 41, "Immortality" (poem) - 38, "Addictions" - 41, "Love first sight" (story) - 36, "Circles" (poem) - 39, "Deleted Pt 1" (story) - 32, "Suicide Bombers" - 45, "How to Write a Poem" (poem) - 47, "A Piece" - 58, "Triond Good, Bad..." - 66, "TT Chesman" - 64, "Secretive.." - 45, "Writing Freelance" - 45, "View Junkie" - 41, "War Ag Fear" - 37, "Gry TT Middle Ages" - 60, "Booze" - 38, "2 Fine TT Seasons" - 44, "What is Poetry" - 45, "My Dream Team" - 36, "Beyond the Beyond" - 36, "Excitement" (poem) - 27.

Observations:      My highest scorers are blogs or articles. Poems and stories struggle for views generally. I am drawing more views as I go along.

14\10 - 70 Triond Views today, all for "Listen"! 588 in total for "Listen" and still counting. 2nd in Most Popular List. Views have ceased for "Single" since it dropped off that list to be replaced by "Listen". Total Views for "Single" now 822 however.

15\10 - 10.30 AM - Weird. 140 Views on Triond today, about 135 for "Single". Checked - "Single" has Viewed More yet dropped off Most Popular List!!! So no more views! But why was it dropped? As I say, weird.

Oh well, I've enjoyed being a bit viral for a while. An enjoyable fling. Amazing how people respond to a simple popularity list.

22.30:      Shelpeare on Triond says it is normal for pieces to be whipped off the MPLs after a week. Okay. Few new Friends from this surge btw. Just lots of Views!

1501 Views total for "Mirror Mirror" on my poetry blog now! Still Viewing well.

19\10 - My Current Triond Pie Chart has changed completely (!):      USA 57%, UK 15 (!), Turkey (!) 12, Canada 5, Australia 4, Hong Kong 4, Korean Republic 3! Most of these are from "Beyond Jane" with over 1000 Views. Female Americans eh? 

Another post:

27\10 - "Mirror Mirror" has had 2477 Views now! Have just posted a new poem on Triond: "Nobody Knows" - it is in pending. Imaging did not work again: they gave me a picture I couldn't click on. My views on Triond are again crawling along in single figures now I'm off those MPA lists. (Testing on IE now for editing: that's better!).

More Triond posts (Not appearing there in order posted btw):

PS 28\11\2012 - "Beat the Bullies" has so far been Viewed 466 times. It is off the MPP list now so has peaked after doing quite well (currently third in list above!).

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Another Triond Surge

(Photo is 2nd one taken of me yesterday by my sister)

(6\10\12) In mid-August I had a sudden surge of Views on Triond for my "Lady Blantyre Article Banned" blog. My daily Views went above the magic hundred mark.

Well yesterday my Views were 129! And the day before, they were, 129! Main cause of this was my new blog "Single", with total Views of 213. About the same time I posted the blog "Ella Henderson", which has scored a very healthy 95.

"Single" was a big risk really, because it was very self-revealing. Hope I don't come to regret posting it.

Talking Views: on my poetry blog, "Mirror Mirror" stands at 795V, Cyberspace at 78V.

On "Hello Poetry" website my top scorers are: "Circles" 304, "New Eden" 261, "A Poem" 253, "Excitement" 240.

More work:

7\10 - Right now "Single" has had 393V. I'm told 100 Views a day is to be expected once you get onto the "Most Popular" top ten list. "Single" is on the "Beyond Jane" MPL - the 2nd one listed. Earnings $0.07.

I got 235 Views on Triond in total yesterday, about twice my previous record!

My "Ella Henderson" piece is the first listed on the "Telewatcher" MPL with 113V. Earnings $0.03.

More work:

9\10 - Triond have kindly moved "Listen" onto "Beyond Jane" and it is 4th most popular there! "Single" remains at number 2 and is still drawing in lots of Views. "Ella Henderson" is still Viewing okay but modestly compared to "Single".

Oddly, on "Beyond Jane", the "Most Popular" List changes when you move from article to article. "Listen" is Not listed if you look at "Single"!

BTW "Mirror Mirror" has had 1040 Views on my poetry blog now!

111V for "Single" to press today! "Listen" has received 23V.

11\10 - 27V today so far for "Listen". 0 for "Single" because it has dropped off of Most Popular chart! How fickle! "Single" has done its job however: 822 Views now, earning 75 cents.

Also see that this year's film version of "Snow White" is maybe responsible for the keyword "Mirror" being so hot.