(Picture is one I took this year near Howarth)
My latest Triond Traffic Geo Distribution Pie-Chart reads as follows:
USA 42%, UK 39, Australia 6, Philippines 4, Canada 4, Romania 3, India 2.
UK has now closed the gap again on the US. It is only in recent weeks that the US has become my main source. Most of the year the UK has been my main source. Before Google PANDA (search algorithm change) the USA was always my main source of readers.
Poemhunter - Been talking to one of the UK's top viewed poets, Dave Walker, who happens to live in Bramley or Pudsey - my old home. In fact he's just told me he went to Crawshaw School! Small world!
PS I'm currently ranked 41 in the UK on Poemhunter, 265 in the world on 23 Views. Posted about a handful of new poems there the other day.
Latest publications:
24\11 - UK 42, US 41 now! Those last two blogs seem to have swung it!
This edit facility is acting weirdly this week. All this code stuff. Anyway, on Triond UK is now 50%, USA 29! Viewers from within Triond are falling but from Google they are rising! (Now that forum has gone). Well it works!
Let's try a new paragraph. Yep, okay. No more code now. Will go with the flow.
Damn! Just realised! Been on Edit Html by mistake!!! Why this article is under "rugby", well, God Knows!
27\12 - On Triond: 50% UK and 30% USA now! About half my views are from Google!!! Since The Forum went, my views have "switched" from Triond internal to Google! Does this mean The Forum was damaging Triond's Google Ranking?
30\12 - This week I can check my Google Adsense on Triond. This after Another invitation to sign up! Have I gone all these years Not linked with Adsense when I thought I was? Let's hope all is well now. As it is, I've made £1.90 on Adsense to press! Must have done Something, if not a lot.
6th February: Triond: USA 51%, UK 39! The pendulum has swung back to the US these past few weeks!
Incidentally I notice most of my Triond Views are from Google now! The Views direct from Triond are only 2\3 those from Google. During the days of "The Triond Forum" it was the other way round! Well, writers say it's healthier to get Views from the wider web, so I'm fairly happy now.
BTW - US 47%, UK 38%, and some Views from Hungary and Turkey!
5\4\12: Today my Triond View level from Triond dot com is IDENTICAL to that from Google dot com. Not so long ago it was over twice as many. More:
19\4\12: I NB that my pal Craig Kendall now has nearly 42,000 followers on Twitter whereas I have a grand total of 42. This from him writing a blog about Swindon Town on a football site. Okay so he writes quite well, but he must have sussed out this web writing business far better than me. He keeps asking people to retweet, but I don't know the value of that. My trouble is, I'm still in the nineteenth century I'm afraid. Nuff Said.
21\4 - Have amended the title of this as I was the only viewer on Triond! Yet overall my Triond viewers on Triond have been about double those of my Google viewers just recently. I expect my Google figure to improve again soon. My UK viewership has been roughly the same as the USA. More:
21\4 - Have amended the title of this as I was the only viewer on Triond! Yet overall my Triond viewers on Triond have been about double those of my Google viewers just recently. I expect my Google figure to improve again soon. My UK viewership has been roughly the same as the USA. More:
16\6\12: Today I retitled two of my "golden oldie" poems: "Her Eyes" to "Girl Eyes", and "Chicks" to "Young Chickens". I also discovered that Suite 101 had deleted all my articles there, so I resubmitted "Achieving Consistency at Table Tennis" to "Wikinut" (with amendments).
27\6\12: Weird. On Triond 47% of my Views are from the UK, 46% from USA. The rest of the world is squeezed out! BTW Triond now use Facebook and similar apps for Commenting. No more Comment stats, apart from the odd site, such as Picable. More:
(or is this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^my next blog here?)