Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Yorkshire: God's Own County

Have just sent a blog about Yorkshire to Triond. Better not leave a sample yet but will when it's published.

It's published.

Yorkshire: The Truth

The stereotypical Yorkshireman is a big fat beer swilling bloke who eats Yorkshire Puddings, tripe, black pudding and dripping and bread. He keeps whippets, pigeons and ferrets tha knows. Yorkshire is a backward rural county where everyone plays cricket. However, this stereotype could not be further from the truth...

The Yorkshire stereotype lingers on. A backward, rustic county where we wear flat caps and carry ferrets in our pockets. We are Tykes who speak our own language, sithee. This Monty Python sketch shows this well:

Enough of that!

The Truth

Sure, somewhere in the backwaters of The Pennines or somewhere there are still folk who race pigeons and so forth, bless em. But modern Yorkshire is about vibrant cities like Leeds, Sheffield , Bradford and Hull. I Googled the good things of Yorkshire:

Over a million pages, and that BBC article was a good starting point:


Actually the larger conurbation around Leeds and Bradford could easily become “Pennine City” through the course of time. Someone once called this area “HuddersCleckHaliWakeFord or something in recognition of this fact. What a city “Pennine” could be! I was brought up in West Leeds by the way, a couple of miles or so from Pudsey.

What Yorkshire can be Proud of

Yorkshire has a great industrial heritage: woollen mills, engineering, steel (Sheffield) and so on. Culture is everywhere. Leeds has its Playhouse and Grand Theatre. Roundhay Park, famous for its “Children’s Day” and Tropical Gardens. There is Headingley: home of the County Cricket Club, former Rugby League World Champions The Rhinos, and Leeds Carnegie Rugby Union club. Elland Road houses one of the greatest football teams ever. Nearby Huddersfield Town won three league titles in a row once.

For more go to:

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17\9\2011: Am currently 303\500 on the Poemhunter World List with just 17 Recent Views. That league has got easier. lol.

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Saturday, 23 July 2011

What If

(As posted on Triond yesterday)

I was dreaming I’d returned to teaching after a long sickness break. Or had I returned to helping out in class? Whatever. I woke and went to the loo. I emptied my bowels and returned to bed. Glanced at my watch. Six fifteen in the morning. And got to thinking... About the nature of Life...

What if Life is but a Dream, as others have suggested. What if my sleeping dreams are created by my subconscious mind. By my “Id” if you will. But my waking dreams are created by some “SuperId”. An even deeper part of my “brain” which forges “Superdreams”: Waking Dreams!

What if those “others” exist only as part of my superdream? What if all people, even my relatives, are but creations of my SuperId? And the whole universe and all history is part of the Superdream.

Where is my SuperId? Where is my Id even? My brain. My mind. Where are they? Really? They are supposed to be in my head. But is my head part of the Superdream?

Is the stark Truth that I am all alone? Am I the only one? A loneliness far greater than any I have experienced, in The Superdream. Am I “The One” as in “The Matrix”? Not a “God” though because I have so little power in the Superdream. Perhaps there are no gods. Just little me. Alone. At the mercy of my SuperId. So what exactly is my SuperId? I don’t know.

Or maybe there is a group of us. Our SuperIds connected in some way. Perhaps we share one SuperId. Who knows.

When I die I expect to become nothing. An emptiness in which I cannot even acknowledge I’m not there. Rather like that gap in living that you get during an operation or having a tooth out under general anaesthetic. It saddens me that every living thing eventually dies in this way. Not a single one escapes this fate. So I am told. There are some water creatures that are biologically “immortal”, I read, but I hold out little hope there.

Yet rather than becoming nothing when I die, I hope to awaken from this “Superdream” and enter some “Super Reality”. Perhaps that Super Reality is but a “Super-Super Dream”, and that a “Super-Super-Super Dream”... ad infinitum. Now Infinity, that’s a scary thing.

How many times will I “Supersleep”? Just the once, or countless times? Is there reincarnation after all? Will I re-appear in other places, other times? Or does my consciousness continue, somehow, after my physical death? Will I join some Spiritual World?

Regular reader LewSethics reminded me recently of a possible scenario: that there is just one being reincarnating continuously so as to live the life of every one of us. Others have suggested such an individual might be God. There are countless possible scenarios. What concerns me, however, is my own personal destiny. The next major milestone for me is Death.

Whatever happens: from my perspective this world of ours will cease to exist once I am “gone”. It might just as well have never existed in the first instance. What a waste. I do Hope there is more than this.

Who cares whether there is a God, or race of Gods? What counts is whether there is Life. What matters is Existence. The Quality of that Existence too. I hope this Superdream is but an “Education”. That I am learning lessons for my “Afterlife”. I am a “Lifist” indeed. “Life” is Everything. If that has to be a “Spiritual” Life, eventually, then so be it. Better than nothing.

Let’s face it: on the cosmic scale of things the human race knows next to nothing. For me, nobody has really explained gravity, electricity or any of the major forces which make existence possible. Nobody has even told us where The Big Bang came from. The Universe seems to be some colossal Accident, which has spawned a multitude of mortals. Yet no-one can really explain it all.

Maybe there is indeed a universal “Force” behind all this. Could “Star Wars” be right after all? May the Force be with us indeed. May our Hopes be realised. May there be an “our”, a “we”! To the Spiritual. To Everlasting Life. To Immortality. To Eternity. Throughout Infinity. Let there be Life.

Paul Butters

See also:

Friday, 8 July 2011


Early this morning I had a strange dream. In the “beginning” I was back teaching in the 1970s. For some reason I decided to go round the class and take a look at each group of pupils. It turned out that a girl was ill and needed to be carried out.

I continued my tour: most of them were whiling away their time doing next to nothing. One of them requested my help and I duly obliged. Oddly the “classroom” was now located in an open, grassy field with brick walls but no roof.

Presently I found myself in the staffroom, and a tannoy message blared out. Apparently a policeman was here to see me about his son! A (false) memory crossed my mind of me hitting a lad for misbehaving. I dashed down the corridor.

Suddenly I was outside the massive concrete and glass school campus. Ahead of me was a “Spaghetti Junction” of criss-crossing motorways. I turned to face the school. A secretary ran out. “You’ve just missed him! Ah, no, he’s waiting for you down there.” She pointed to my left, down a dark pedestrian subway.

Without hesitation (silly me) I marched into that morbid alleyway. There was graffiti and rubbish everywhere. Yet there to greet me, and shake my hand, was a middle aged policeman in rather a modern, American style uniform. He gave me his name and I tried to make a note of it. Somehow I was now carrying an assortment of diaries and notebooks, but somehow I could not find a blank page.

The policeman told me not to worry. He thanked me for helping his son all those years ago. That was real teaching, he said. Now he was a young policeman who offered his support, put his arm around me and gave me a big hug!

“I’m lucky, I have my whole department to back me up. You are on your own. Come and see us solve some murders. Then you can go back to class and really impress those young punks with your knowledge.”

At this point I woke up. What a dream! Okay, so I have been watching a DVD of Waterloo Road, Series One. And Waterloo Road on Wednesday of this week. I can see how such viewing might make me dream about teaching.

Yet how can my own Subconscious, Unconscious, Id or whatever come up with such a surprise? I really was expecting to encounter an irate parent there. Yet I was offered lots of support instead! How can my own brain keep things from me like this then spring something new on me like that?

My Id shocks and surprises me an awful lot. They say your subconscious remembers every detail of everything that you experience. It is a wonderful thing. My “mind” gives me false memories and story lines, to completely dupe me into God knows what. I’m just glad my Id was in a very kindly mood this morning.

Lucid dreams? Very rare for me. I seldom realise I am dreaming, until it is too late! And What Dreams. As I keep saying. I hope I am making progress in my head there.

Paul Butters
