Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Booming Business

My views on Triond are at a higher level this month. Must be doing something right. My recent article on "Anger" went down very well. My stories are going okay too, though difficult for anyone to comment on. They are very reflective stories really.

Anyway today I wrote a solid football article:

Here's more stuff hot from the press:

Friday, 10 June 2011


My Triond blog, "Are Barcelona the Best Team Ever?" currently has 77 Views - making it one of my top pieces. "Sexy Writing" did best I believe, with at least 120. Popular topics indeed. I am typing this live by the way. Have just posted a piece on my "three favourite talking therapies" onto Triond and await publication (they are a bit slow on this one). Steady business. Would go much quicker if I could keep off the Triond Forum.
