Just posted this on the Triond Forum:
"Factoidz just gave me 60 cents "Activity Bonus" for posting one article (only my 4th there). Have had 63 views in a couple of days. That's like 4 of my SF stories here. My lowest Factoidz view total for an my established articles is 234 - far higher than any of my Triond ones. Nuff Said....."
Yes, Factoidz has to be first choice for me. That's for serious, factual articles only. Their editorial is very finnicky but.... Quality Site. HubPages and similar sites are a consideration. Everything else I post on Triond first, because they demand original content. My poems and fiction are then copied onto Voicesnet. Am still copying my poems onto Poemhunter now it is at least partly working again. Nuff Said. Out.
Here are my latest Triond posts: http://socyberty.com/psychology/was-sigmund-freud-right-or-wrong-with-his-psycho-analysis-and-sex-motivation-theories/
Just received my 100 Articles Badge from Triond (12\4\2011)!
For the record, number 100 was: http://authspot.com/short-stories/deleted-part-two/
17th April 2011: My Total Friends on Triond is now 403! Fans 351. (Have some withdrawn or just not reciprocated? Don't recall friending many myself). Right now my Poemhunter poems are invisible again I'm afraid. Have messaged Poemhunter (who have improved their messaging facility).