Have just had an article published on Factoidz. It describes most of the planets and moons within a 20 light year radius from Earth, that might support life. For once I did some serious research. Did not use all of the many facts and figures I'd compiled, for fear of information overload and too long a piece of writing. Am quite proud of this piece. Shame picture of Europa, Earth and Moon did not take. (See to left - from NASA via Wikicommons). A couple of spacing errors too. But still happy. Here it is:
19\1\11: That's 47 Views (and counting, at 23.12) on Factoidz today, with 2 Thumbs Up (Votes or whatever)! Nearly always do well for views on Factoidz!
1\2: Have posted a follow-up article on Triond, using ALL the facts I researched, more like a list. See: